Partners, Pelinck Nijssen Weijers Advocaten

Wouter Nijssen

Tax adviser since 2005. Lecturer in tax law at the University of Amsterdam since 2011. Founder and director of Bokkz, a developer of tax advisory software. Author of several study books on tax law, commentator to FED tax review and author with Elsevier FiscaalTotaal. Studied law at Groningen University. Advises shareholders and their companies, mainly on international tax structures.

Martijn Weijers

Admitted to the bar in 2011. Law clerk at the Dutch Supreme Court from 2015 till 2017 and lecturer tax procedure at het University of Amsterdam since 2014. Visiting researcher at UC Berkeley School of Law during 2017. Does PhD-research on mandatory disclosure rules for tax planning schemes. Author of several (study)books, articles and case notes. Earned his law degree at Rotterdam University. Focus on (criminal) tax litigation